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  4. Handmade Glass Accrington NORI Brick Dish

Handmade Glass Accrington NORI Brick Dish

Totally unique, handmade, fused glass NORI brick dish/tray.

Each one of these is made using individual pieces of fused glass, slumped over a genuine, vintage NORI brick and go through "Kelvin the kiln" a number of times to take on the true texture, wording and scratches from the original NORI brick.

Original, vintage NORI bricks were renowned for their hardness and durability. So much so that the foundations of Blackpool tower and the Empire State Building. Not bad for a little brickworks in Accrington, Lancashire. Rumour has it that the name NORI came about when the letters IRON were accidentally placed in the brick moulds backwards, thus spelling NORI.

These handmade, fused glass dishes or trays are totally unique and no two will ever be exactly the same and each one contains different champagne bubbles, adding to the character and appeal. The wording reads ACCRINGTON NORI B&T CO LD with NORI in the centre.

Fantastic novelty gifts, handmade in our studio in Accrington.

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